AFM: A scary polio-like illness

An uncommon, serious condition in children causes muscle weakness. It is a scary illness, not just for parents but for doctors, too: acute flaccid myelitis (AFM) causes sudden weakness and loss of muscle tone in the arms and legs, and can go on to cause even more serious problems. It’s not just the symptoms that […]

Monkeypox: What parents need to know

While few cases of monkeypox have occurred in children, recognizing warning signs and understanding how this virus spreads is helpful. As if COVID wasn’t enough to worry about, now parents are hearing about monkeypox — and wondering if they need to worry about that, too. While the cases of monkeypox have been almost entirely in […]

3 simple swaps for better heart health

Busy people may find it hard to take heart-healthy steps. These simple swaps can help. Busy days make it hard to put heart health on the front burner. It just feels like you don’t have time for habits that keep the ticker in top shape — like exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and eating a […]

Prostate cancer: Radiation therapy elevates risk for future cancers

The risk is low, but one you should discuss with your doctor. A standard treatment for localized prostate cancer — meaning cancer that is confined to the prostate gland — is to kill or shrink tumors with radiation. The long-term outcomes for most men treated this way are excellent. But as with other cancer treatments, […]