New Harvard tool helps fact-check cancer claims

The internet is full of warnings about things that cause cancer. Watch out for antiperspirants, scented candles, and bras, dubious web sites or sensational posts on social media warn. Steer clear of disposable chopsticks, microwaves, radon gas, and more. Scary or misleading claims are so plentiful that it’s hard to know which ones to take […]

Apps to accelerometers: Can technology improve mental health in older adults?

Technology can aid older adults’ mental health and medication management. It can be devastating to watch older adults struggle with memory problems, low mood, anxiety, or a lack of motivation, particularly during times of physical distancing. With waiting lists for mental health appointments stretching for months, you may be wondering about alternatives. Reaching out to […]

The popularity of microdosing of psychedelics: What does the science say?

There is no definitive evidence yet that microdosing with psychedelics is either effective or safe. Psychedelic drugs have been capturing the attention of doctors and patients alike, for their increasingly proven potential to effect long-lasting improvements in the mental health of people who are suffering from conditions such as treatment-resistant depression. Microdosing of psychedelic substances […]

Poison ivy: Scratchin’ like a hound?

Learn how to avoid a painful case of poison ivy — or treat it correctly, if necessary. Earlier this summer, I contracted a case of poison ivy that was so bad, I woke up in the middle of the night clawing my forearms with my fingernails — scratchin’ like a hound, as The Coasters famously […]

Have a gas stove? How to reduce pollution that may harm health

Gas stoves affect air quality inside and outside your home, circulating pollutants that raise risk for asthma and other illnesses. In previous blog posts, I’ve discussed health harms of outdoor air pollution and how to lower health risks by reducing your exposure. Increasing evidence suggests that we should also think about our indoor air quality, […]

An action plan to fight unhealthy inflammation

Although inflammation serves a vital role in the body’s defense and repair systems, chronic inflammation can cause more harm than good. And that may make you wonder: what can I do about it? In fact, there’s a lot you can do. And you may already be doing it. That’s because some of the most important […]

How good is your cardiometabolic health — and what is that, anyway?

5 factors heavily influence your risk for heart attack and stroke. Heart attack and stroke, two forms of cardiovascular disease, are leading causes of death in the US. Risk factors include a family history of cardiovascular disease, smoking, diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. Excess weight increases the chances that several of these risk […]

Palliative care frightens some people: Here’s how it helps

During many stages of illness, palliative care can ease strains and provide additional support. Many people and their families associate the term palliative care with the end of life. Some may think that palliative care and hospice care are one and the same. So it’s worth explaining that palliative care is a medical specialty able […]

Taking up adaptive sports

A physical disability or other limitations needn’t keep you away from health-boosting activities. Health guidelines recommend adults get at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, or at least 75 minutes of vigorous exercise. Which activities you choose don’t matter as long as they get you moving. But what if an injury, illness, […]

Behavioral weight loss interventions: Do they work in primary care?

Multiple supportive connections in community settings can help people lose weight. Attaining and maintaining a healthy weight is a major health issue, not only in the United States but in many countries throughout the world. Governments are looking to identify the most effective services to support people to lose weight and improve overall health. A […]